Saving tropical forests and conducting educational trips to the tropics since 1988

What we do to save tropical forests

Initiate conservation regimes in the Amazon and elsewhere in the tropics that curb climate change and generate a continuous stream of funding for Indigenous people and local communities.

How we do it

We build relationships with like-minded NGOs to establish High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) projects in remote and pristine areas. These projects measure and market the carbon that is absorbed by the forest. Unlike REDD+, the carbon cannot be used to offset the emissions of corporations or individuals. However, buyers of the carbon units can claim that they are contributing to “societal” net zero.

We also work with NGOs to establish Biodiversity-Positive REDD+ projects in areas where deforestation is taking place at a high rate and the need for action is urgent. Avoided carbon emissions are then sold through the Voluntary Carbon Market.

Our Impact

Over 10,000 Students Have Participated in Save The Rainforest Trips.

Millions of Acres Protected or in the Process of Being Protected

Our Projects

25 million acres:  The remote and pristine Purús Manu Landscape HIFOR project in Peru’s department of Ucayali & Madre de Dios. (Learn more.)

300,000 acres: The Sawawo communities Gateway REDD+ project in Peru’s department of Ucayali. (Learn more.)

175,000 acres: The Awajun communities REDD+ project in Peru, department of Amazonia. (Learn more.)

52,000 acres: The Siekopai community REDD+ project in Ecuador, province of Napo. (Learn more.)

105,000 acres: The Borarí Maró community REDD+ project in Brazil, state of Pará. (Learn more.)

These projects are in various stages of development and involve many like-minded NGOs.

Our Trips



Panama is rich with biodiversity within magnificent rainforests, spectacular seas and ancestral indigenous cultures such as the Emberra and Ngabe.


Ecuador And The Galapagos

Located on the Pacific coast, Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in South America, but large on beauty and diversity.



Once Known as British Honduras, Belize is a country culturally distinct and biologically rich.


Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s location provides some of the most unique biodiversity in the world.

Cool the Planet Campaign

We are in a race to avert a climate disaster. So Save the Rainforest’s goal is to help end deforestation in the tropics by 2030. Doing so will help us take the lead in the race and give clean energy technologies the time they need to fully kick-in by 2050. We invite you to join the campaign by donating to our work and/or holding a “Cool the Planet Fundraising Event.”

Donate $100 or more & provide your postal address in the comment box and receive a coffee mug with our logo.

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